Can't Create Blank Series

Issue #127 resolved
Enthalpy created an issue

When a series is created without trials in the series, you redirect to a blank page.

TrialSequenceHandler.class receives the array [0] =>NULL as the argument for $trials, instead of NULL. As such, AAO tries to process the number 0 as a trial, quite understandably leading to an error.

Comments (3)

  1. Arnaud Vié

    You can't create an empty series on V5 anyway, the database is not designed for this. You should receive a proper error message in this case, as defined here in TrialSequenceHandlerV5

    The blank page, however, is an issue. We should handle these cases (where you receive null as one of the values) by throwing a proper error.

  2. Arnaud Vié

    Better, actually : handle null values gracefully and ignore them.

    Fix is to be done in db_op : only generate and append the handler if the trial id is not null.

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