"Ask player to point at an area" action does not trigger the place dependency check when deleting a place

Issue #180 new
ThePaSch created an issue

As per this bug report on the forum, selecting a place for the “Ask player to point at an area” action does not seem to trigger a dependency check when trying to delete that place. As a result, when the user deletes a place that is selected for this action in any frame, doing so breaks any frame where this is the case.

To reproduce:

  • Create any custom place using any background, custom or pre-provided.
  • Create a frame and assign the “Ask player to point at an area” action to it.
  • Select the place as a background.
  • Delete that place.

The frame is now essentially broken, as the action can not be unassigned. Trying to open the action editor for that frame results in an exception.

Comments (1)

  1. ThePaSch reporter

    Interestingly, assigning the “Reveal an object in a place” action, selecting a place and then deleting that places simply defaults that action’s assigned place to nothing, leaving the frame itself intact and the action able to be edited. From what I’ve been able to verify, this bug is exclusive to the “Ask player to point at an area” action.

    We should consider whether to default to this behavior for the “Ask player to point at an area” action as well, or whether to use a dependency check for both actions. At the very least, the behavior in cases such as this should be consistent.

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