AAO Hangs Without Warning if No Trial Found

Issue #190 resolved
Enthalpy created an issue

Consider this URL. You can still find link to this trial on the forums, but the trial file cannot be found. Probably, the user deleted the case. In any event initial_trial_data is not defined (see l. 56 or 77 of trial.js.php), so the extendObjectWithModel call (l. 28 of trial.js.php) hangs because the first argument is assumed to support the in operator.

The big question is: what behavior do we want to have here? At present, it looks like a player bug rather than “no trial found.” Do we want a popup message?

Comments (4)

  1. ThePaSch

    It looks like trial_data is never actually null-checked during the loading procedure, leading to an attempt to access a property of undefined somewhere down the line. Fixing this could be as simple as making sure we have trial data before we try to load its contents.

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