Action Summary

Issue #30 new
Enthalpy created an issue

When an action is selected, it is suggested that a "summary" of that action appear in the action bar. Although this would include the action's name, it is up for discussion what else would be included. This summary would allow a user to see what they have "set" this action to do without the need to open it all the way.

Comments (4)

  1. Noah Simon

    Proceed to Another Frame Description: After this frame is finished running, the next frame will be the frame you specify. Parameters: Target Frame ID: The frame you want to redirect to

    This is open for discussion, but does it sound like what you were imagining?

  2. Enthalpy reporter

    No, that's documentation. This suggestion is about not needing to open up the action to see (briefly) what it is. Closer to:

    action: Proceed to Another Frame; target frame: 1000

  3. Noah Simon

    Oh, I see what you mean. I'll put my suggestion in its own issue when I have the time. (in a couple minutes to a couple of hours)

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