Support Debugger From Manager

Issue #35 resolved
Enthalpy created an issue

It is proposed that from the manager, you can access the debugger for any of your trials. Right now, the only way to access the debugger is through URL manipulation or the editor.

We may want this to simply append &debug to the end of all "play" urls, since it's unlikely that anybody wanting to play one of the cases will want debug mode off.

Comments (6)

  1. Noah Simon

    I don't know about anyone else, but I like the fact that the play button redirects to what a random user would see. Maybe there should be an extra button labeled Playtest or Debug or something like that.

  2. Kwando NA

    Agreed. I think two separate buttons - one being play, and the other being debug - would be the best implementation.

  3. Enthalpy reporter

    As I discussed on that topic, the CSS in that request isn't good enough, and could use more discussion.

    Where do we want this playtest button to go? Can we have mockups of what it would look like? Are we okay with changing the positioning in the case of no edit permissions? Could we handle the positioning dynamically, if we went with a "right align OR flexbox" system?

  4. Noah Simon

    I think having the playtest button in between play and edit is the best option. There is some perfectly good space in between play and edit, and no space under the play button. Besides, imo it wouldn't look nice to have two buttons in one side, one on the other, and force the trialcard div to have more blank space.

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