Optional Menu

Issue #74 new
Enthalpy created an issue

Suppose a generic series of frame where there are multiple possible "paths" through the dialogue. It is proposed that there be some part of the GUI to organize this.

Before there is any implementation, we need to discuss how we would implement such a thing.

Comments (2)

  1. Noah Simon

    So basically Thought Route. Here's an idea: New actions required:

    • Return to beginning of Thought Route

    • Redirect to conversation line

    • Add a clue

    • Remove a clue

    Temporarily updated action:

    • Ask the player a question (in simple mode it only has Redirect to Conversation, in advanced mode it has both Conversation and Frame)

    It would be a block like CE and Investigation.
    Settings: Hide at Start []
    Dialogue: Conversation A, Insert Conversation
    Clues: Final Clue (not deletable), Clue 1, Add a Clue (clues are the text in a special font that appear on the screen when you choose a path)

    A conversation would be just a line of frames.
    Insert Conversation adds a new conversation, sort of like adding a statement to a CE. Conversations are named in letters. Return to beginning of Thought Route by default removes all clues, but this can be unchecked.
    The Final Clue is the giant text displayed on the screen when the protagonist figures out the answer. Anytime during the Thought Route, it can be displayed as a pop-up in the screen editor under the category Thought Route.

    Start thought route.
    Automatically redirect to Conversation A.
    Text text text.
    Choice 1 redirects to Convo B, Choice 2 redirects to Convo C.
    Add clue 1
    text text text
    Choice 1 redirects to Convo D, Choice 2 redirects to Convo E
    Add clue 2
    text text text
    redirect to beginning of thought route
    Add clue 3
    text text text
    Redirect to beginning of Thought Route
    Add Clue 4
    text text text
    Choice 1 redirects to Conversation F, Choice 2 redirects to Conversation G
    Add clue 5
    text text text
    Redirect to beginning of thought route
    Add Clue 6
    text text text (right now, clues 4 and 6 are displayed)
    Remove clues 4 and 6
    Display Final Clue
    Redirect to frame after thought route

    Any thoughts?

  2. Enthalpy reporter

    No, I said /generic/ series of frames. I'm not sure what the suggestor's (drvonkitty) use case was, but knowing his stuff, I doubt it's a thought route. Put a thought route in its own suggestion. It's not the issue we're discussing here.

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