Convert dev-base into dev-framework

Issue #8 new
Acecool repo owner created an issue

This is where the dev-base is heading ( I may still allow the dev-base to exist for those that prefer to create / modify a game-mode using core files vs game directory ) so that content/games/ will house the game-modes and each game-mode will be able to load / unload without changing the map.

There will be a proprietary system in place to either log which hooks are being added in order to unload the game-mode when it is loaded or there will be a different method of loading / unloading game-modes such as alternate functions / hook-names which require the game mode "key" as reference.

Either way, My plan is to make adding a new game-mode, even advanced game-modes, as painless as possible. The frame-work will serve as a hub and all memory management is handled by the frame-work in addition to other details.

I haven't fully designed the method of this update but it is a small ways down the road yet.

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