Pallet AutoLoad Filtering

Issue #1 wontfix
Leo Dav created an issue

Hello, first thing first thanks for the cool mod!

I thought it would be cool if you could filter the pallet you’re autoloading on the trailer so that if your production chain is producing multiple products you only load one of the two products on the trailer to organize or sell

Comments (5)

  1. Achim Kuntz repo owner

    General this is a nice idea, but think about the following.

    You play the game for a while and you have a lot of mods with own productions and pallets. Could you imagine what you will get for a list you have to switch trough then?
    I see that in the mutli fruit sow machines or these all buy stations, the list is long and it is not nice to find what you wanna have.

    My suggestion is to place a real pallet silo and bring all to there, there you can pull out the sort you wanna have.
    E.g. the Silo of mine, but there are also others with my pallet spawn scripts.
    Mine you will find here:

    On the Discord we have made a voting list for the next functions the autoload should get. Have look and feel free to vote. Perhaps we will move the votes to here, but not sure.

    I will not close the enhancement request, because it is a nice idea and possible to make. Perhaps there will come a lot of votes on this and we will implement it in the future

  2. Leo Dav reporter

    Alright, I’ll check out the mods you shared,

    I think a filter only on the pallets that are located in the autoloading area is enough, instead of filtering through every pallet present in the game (I don’t know how feasible it is to do that).

    The only other thing it would need if the filter is set up this way is to remember the old choice so in case you need to drive to other pallets the product type is preserved and doesn’t need to be set again

  3. Achim Kuntz repo owner

    That will not work, because this means that the selection has to change with what is in loading range and when it is loaded, there is nothing in loading range. Sure, when something is loaded it can be fixed to what is loaded instead. But this will then prevent using it later correctly with autodrive to fetch pallets because when you start the driving there will be nothing in range so nothing to select. I do not want to build things in which will limit the usage later on any way. So only all filltypes which has pallets defined will be an option.

  4. Achim Kuntz repo owner

    I have seen that this is a feature of the Universal Autoloader in the meanwhile. So you can use this when you want to have this feature.

    When you thin this feature is something most user would like to have in my Pallet Auto Loader, feel free to open a ticket in the new GitHub Repo. This will be closed in the next weeks.

    You find the new one here:

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