
Adaptavist Example DB Picker Configuration Script to filter DB Picker Options based on the Project selected - Jira DC

Created by Ram Kumar Aravindakshan
 * All right, title and interest in this code snippet shall remain the exclusive intellectual property of Adaptavist Group Ltd and its affiliates. Customers with a valid ScriptRunner
 * license shall be granted a  non-exclusive, non-transferable, freely revocable right to use this code snippet only within their own instance of Atlassian products. This licensing notice cannot be removed
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import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.fields.editable.database.SqlWithParameters

def columnName = 'Country_Name'

getSearchSql = { String inputValue, Issue issue, originalValue ->

    if ( == 'Mock') {
        new SqlWithParameters("""
        select ID, COUNTRY_NAME from COUNTRIES
        where ${columnName} in (?,?,?)
        """, ['India', 'United States', 'United Kingdom'])

    } else if ( == 'Example') {
        new SqlWithParameters("""
        select ID, COUNTRY_NAME from COUNTRIES
        where ${columnName} in (?,?)
        """, ['Malaysia', 'Singapore'])
    } else if ( == 'Sample') {
        new SqlWithParameters("""
        select ID, COUNTRY_NAME from COUNTRIES
        where ${columnName} in (?,?)
        """, ['Japan', 'Australia'])

renderViewHtml = { displayValue, row ->

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