iCal of aircraft bookings

Issue #67 open
Matthew Reeve created an issue

Would it be possible to set up a webcal feed so that I can add aircraft bookings to my Google Calendar?

Comments (6)

  1. Justin Hayes repo owner

    You should be able to add from the ical attachments in the emails?

    I've not looked into webcal feeds so not sure how easy it would be to do. Certainly a good idea.....

  2. Matthew Reeve reporter

    You can but I'd like to cut out the email bit. I'd like to be able to see whether the aircraft is booked from one place, and this would enable me to add the calendar to Google and see if it's available. I've also disabled the email notifications as I have way too many emails to be able to handle them.

  3. Justin Hayes repo owner

    Yes it makes sense....

    Would you want the feed to be just your bookings, or all bookings for that A/C?

  4. Matthew Reeve reporter

    I think all would be better. My main reason for asking is being able to see if it's free. I would put my own bookings in my calendar directly anyway.

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