Heap Based Resolve of Imports

Issue #1 resolved
Alexander Hanel repo owner created an issue

The following resolving of imports was observed in an executable.

mov     edi, ds:GetProcAddress
push    offset aNss_init ; "NSS_Init"
push    dword ptr [esi+31Ch] ; hModule
call    edi ; GetProcAddress
push    offset aNss_shutdown ; "NSS_Shutdown"
push    dword ptr [esi+31Ch] ; hModule
mov     [esi+32Ch], eax
call    edi ; GetProcAddress
push    offset aPk11_getintern ; "PK11_GetInternalKeySlot"
push    dword ptr [esi+31Ch] ; hModule
mov     [esi+330h], eax
call    edi ; GetProcAddress
push    offset aPk11_freeslot ; "PK11_FreeSlot"
push    dword ptr [esi+31Ch] ; hModule
mov     [esi+334h], eax

The imported addresses were saved into a data structure. A nice feature would be to build a dictionary of these and be able to access them if needed.

Example: obj.dynIAT = { "[esi+32Ch]" : "NSS_Init" , "[esi+330h]" : "NSS_Shutdown", " [esi+334h]" : "PK11_GetInternalKeySlot" }

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