
Alexander Hanel UIWIX string decoder

Created by Alexander Hanel
# UIWIX string decoder for IDAPython   
import idautils
from string import maketrans

def backtrace(addr):
    encoded_push_addr = idc.PrevHead(addr)
    if idc.GetMnem(encoded_push_addr) == 'mov' and idc.GetOpnd(encoded_push_addr,0) == "edx":
        return (True, idc.GetOperandValue(encoded_push_addr, 1))
        return (False, encoded_push_addr)

def decode(encoded_string,trantab):
    return str(encoded_string).translate(trantab)

func_addr = 0xABA6FA8
intable = 'amNFHufoTRn0P3vI8xBS4t6jM9CqXeibUDEpQ1ZGYywJzAg7sk2lc5WLOrKdhV'
outtable = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
trantab = maketrans(intable, outtable)

for addr in idautils.CodeRefsTo(func_addr, 0):
    temp_addr = addr
    for ii in range(0,5):
        found, temp_addr  = backtrace(temp_addr)
        if found:
            encode_data_offset = temp_addr

    if found:
        encoded_string = idc.GetString(encode_data_offset)
        decoded =  decode(encoded_string,trantab)
        idc.MakeComm(addr, decoded)

Comments (1)

  1. Alexander Hanel

    API Renamer

    import idautils
    from string import maketrans
    def backtrace(addr):
        call_addr = idc.PrevHead(addr)
        comment = idc.GetCommentEx(call_addr,0)
        if idc.GetMnem(call_addr) == 'call' and comment != None:
            return (True, call_addr)
            return (False, call_addr)
    def traceforward(addr):
        cur_addr = idc.NextHead(addr)
        if idc.GetMnem(cur_addr) == "mov" and GetOpType(cur_addr,0) == 2 and GetOpnd(cur_addr,1) == "eax":
             return (True, cur_addr)
            return (False, cur_addr)
    gpa_addr = 0x0ABA728C
    for addr in idautils.CodeRefsTo(gpa_addr, 0):
        temp_addr = addr
        for ii in range(0,5):
            found, temp_addr  = backtrace(temp_addr)
            if found:
                comment =  idc.GetCommentEx(temp_addr,0) 
        if found:
            for ii in range(0,5):
                found, temp_addr  = traceforward(temp_addr)
                if found:
                    print hex(temp_addr)[:-1], comment
                    status = True
                    status = MakeNameEx(GetOperandValue(temp_addr,0), comment, SN_NOWARN)
                    if status == False:
                        MakeNameEx(GetOperandValue(temp_addr,0), str("_" + comment), SN_NOWARN)

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