Confirmation Email Not sent to new email

Issue #14 resolved
Jhrino created an issue

As a result i am not unable to confirm my account and play mp

Comments (7)

  1. Andrew Horn repo owner

    If you are using anything other than gmail, your ability to receive our emails is not guaranteed.

    Additionally, this is not a site bug- this is an issue that you can get solved by joining our IRC and asking to get verified.

  2. Jhrino reporter

    So how do i join this irc server? or if you just want to instantly confirm me the acc name is Jhrino

  3. Jhrino reporter

    My question is still not answered, i do not know how to enter this IRC you are talking about...

  4. Andrew Horn repo owner

    Sorry for the delay, bitbucket emails weren't triggering my email app's push notifications.

    Your account appears to be verified, either automatically or by one of our other admins.

    For future reference, you can join our IRC by clicking "chat" in the header of every page on, while logged in.

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