
Arlington County Webmaster Summarize EnergyCAP BL30A reports

Updated by Dylan Barlett

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
      Num of Months (1-12) Equals 12
 2. Export as BL30A_2015.csv to the same folder as this file
 3. Repeat steps 1-2 for additional years
-4. python
+4. python
 import collections
Created by Dylan Barlett

File Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Summarize EnergyCAP BL30A reports by building and year.
+1. Run BL30A report with the following parameters:
+     Base Year Equals 2015
+     Commodity Code One of NATURALGAS:ELECTRIC
+     First Month (01-12) Equals 1
+     Num of Months (1-12) Equals 12
+2. Export as BL30A_2015.csv to the same folder as this file
+3. Repeat steps 1-2 for additional years
+4. python
+import collections
+import glob
+import csv
+import locale
+__author__ = "Dylan Barlett"
+__copyright__ = "Arlington County Government"
+__license__ = "GPLv3"
+__version__ = "1.0"
+__maintainer__ = "Dylan Barlett"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Production"
+    "Jan": 1,
+    "Feb": 2,
+    "Mar": 3,
+    "Apr": 4,
+    "May": 5,
+    "Jun": 6,
+    "Jul": 7,
+    "Aug": 8,
+    "Sep": 9,
+    "Oct": 10,
+    "Nov": 11,
+    "Dec": 12,
+def update_nested(d, u):
+    """
+    Update a nested dictionary.
+    From
+    """
+    for k, v in u.iteritems():
+        if isinstance(v, collections.Mapping):
+            r = update_nested(d.get(k, {}), v)
+            d[k] = r
+        else:
+            d[k] = u[k]
+    return d
+def site_energy_intensity(square_feet, electric_kwh, natural_gas_therm):
+    """Calculate site energy intensity (in BTU/sq. ft.).
+    """
+    if not square_feet:
+        return None
+    if not electric_kwh:
+        electric_kwh = 0
+    if not natural_gas_therm:
+        natural_gas_therm = 0
+    return ((electric_kwh * 3412) + (natural_gas_therm * 100000)) / square_feet
+def source_energy_intensity(square_feet, electric_kwh, natural_gas_therm):
+    """Calculate source energy intensity (in BTU/sq. ft.).
+    """
+    if not square_feet:
+        return None
+    if not electric_kwh:
+        electric_kwh = 0
+    if not natural_gas_therm:
+        natural_gas_therm = 0
+    return ((electric_kwh * 3412 * 3.34) + (natural_gas_therm * 100000 * 1.047)) / square_feet
+def carbon_footprint(electric_kwh, natural_gas_therm):
+    """Calculate carbon footprint (in metric tons CO2 equivalent).
+    """
+    if not electric_kwh:
+        electric_kwh = 0
+    if not natural_gas_therm:
+        natural_gas_therm = 0
+    return ((electric_kwh * 1.19) + (natural_gas_therm * 11.7)) / 2205
+def format_address(address):
+    """Format an address.
+    "1001 N Quincy St,,Arlington,VA" -> "1001 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA"
+    """
+    if address:
+        parts = [i for i in address.split(",") if i]
+        return ", ".join(parts)
+    else:
+        return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
+    output = [[
+        "Place Code",
+        "Place Name",
+        "Address",
+        "Year",
+        "Complete Year",
+        "Floor Area (square feet)",
+        "Electric (kWh)",
+        "Natural Gas (Therm)",
+        "Site Energy Intensity (BTU/sq. ft.)",
+        "Source Energy Intensity (BTU/sq. ft.)",
+        "Carbon Footprint (Metric tons CO2 equivalent)",
+    ]]
+    usage = {}
+    for filename in glob.glob("BL30A_*.csv"):
+        with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
+            reader = csv.reader(fp)
+            for row in reader:
+                if row[16]:  # Quantity
+                    place_code = row[6].split(" ", 1)[0]
+                    place_name = row[6].split(" ", 1)[1]
+                    address = format_address(row[7])
+                    try:
+                        floor_area = int(locale.atof(row[8].split(" ", 1)[0]))
+                    except ValueError:
+                        floor_area = None
+                    commodity = row[11]
+                    unit = row[13]
+                    month = MONTHS[row[14]]
+                    year = int(locale.atof(row[15]))
+                    quantity = locale.atof(row[16])
+                    update_nested(usage, {
+                        place_code: {
+                            "Place Name": place_name,
+                            "Address": address,
+                            "Years": {
+                                year: {
+                                    "Floor Area": floor_area,
+                                    month: {
+                                        commodity: quantity,
+                                    },
+                                },
+                            },
+                        },
+                    })
+    for place_code, place_usage in usage.items():
+        for year, year_usage in place_usage["Years"].items():
+            floor_area = None
+            electric = None
+            natural_gas = None
+            month_count = 0
+            for month, month_usage in year_usage.items():
+                if month == "Floor Area":
+                    floor_area = month_usage
+                else:
+                    month_count += 1
+                    if "Electric" in month_usage:
+                        if electric:
+                            electric += month_usage["Electric"]
+                        else:
+                            electric = month_usage["Electric"]
+                    if "Natural Gas" in month_usage:
+                        if natural_gas:
+                            natural_gas += month_usage["Natural Gas"]
+                        else:
+                            natural_gas = month_usage["Natural Gas"]
+            if month_count == 12:
+                complete_year = True
+            else:
+                complete_year = False
+            site_intensity = site_energy_intensity(floor_area, electric, natural_gas)
+            source_intensity = source_energy_intensity(floor_area, electric, natural_gas)
+            footprint = carbon_footprint(electric, natural_gas)
+            row = [
+                place_code,
+                place_usage["Place Name"],
+                place_usage["Address"],
+                year,
+                complete_year,
+                floor_area,
+                electric,
+                natural_gas,
+            ]
+            # One decimal place for CSV output
+            for i in (site_intensity, source_intensity, footprint):
+                if i:
+                    row.append("{:0.1f}".format(i))
+                else:
+                    row.append(None)
+            output.append(row)
+    with open("annual_usage.csv", "wb") as fp:
+        writer = csv.writer(fp)
+        writer.writerows(output)

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