The Orange Box (3 results, but none from Steam)

Issue #2 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Hey, I was looking for a price check on The Orange Box, but when I search it, three separate results appear, but none are from Steam. I know I could just look it up on the Steam Store, but it would be nice to have in the results.

Props for the nice website!

Comments (4)

  1. ArmoredCavalry repo owner

    Thanks for letting me know about this, looked into it and it turns out that there is a 'packs' category on the Steam search page (which I use to index deals).

    So, while no Orange Box shows up in the 'games' category (which I am currently using):

    It does show up in the 'packs' category:

    I'll look into a fix for this in the near future so that packs from Steam will show up properly.

  2. ArmoredCavalry repo owner

    Leaving this as-is for now, will look into adding other categories for Steam in the future.

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