Misleading "normal" prices

Issue #7 resolved
Former user created an issue

Main page shows prices, followed by a higher "slashed" price. Intuitively, one would presume the slashed price is the "regular" or "full" price for the game, but in some (many?) cases, the published price is the "normal" price, and the higher slashed price is... invented? I don't know what, but it makes you think you're getting a good deal on a game when it's really at full price. Example: The Whispered World at GMG, shows $9.99 with a slashed price of $24.99. The game doesn't cost $24.99 anywhere, not on sale, and not any published regular price that I can find. The only one that comes close to that price is GameFly at $29.99. But that's not $24.99, and GameFly is a joke anyway. So where do the slashed prices come from anyway? Can they please be changed to reflect the actual "normal" price for the store that it's showing up on? Thanks!

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