Molecular Transformer (Advanced Solar Panel) do not accept energy from Uncomplication E-Net

Issue #12 invalid
gong linyuan created an issue

The Molecular Transformer in Advanced Solar Panel do not accept energy from Uncomplication's E-Net.

industrialcraft-2-2.2.810-experimental Uncomplication-1.7.10- AdvancedSolarPanel-1.7.10-3.5.1 forge1448

Comments (5)

  1. Speiger NA

    Jup. Reason why is simple: They return a to high value to their SinkTier thats why it is negative and automaticly will be excluded.

  2. gong linyuan reporter

    Sorry, recently I found that this BUG only occured when the buildcraft addon, logisticspipes-, installed.

  3. gong linyuan reporter

    You've told me that it's the problem of inproper SinkTier, but even when I changed the SinkTier of TileEntityMolecularTransformer to 1,2,3,or 4 with JBE, this problem still exists.

  4. Speiger NA

    Ok: Things that can go wrong:
    First: To High Sink tier.
    Second: Requesting no Energy. (getDemaned Energy <= 0 i skip you)
    Third: Injecting Energy function does not accept the energy,
    Last: In Easy Mode and you put in to much power.

  5. Speiger NA

    The mod itself simply does use the API wrong... And since IC2 Exp has a Stupidity Safty in which causes other bugs it causes this problem in IC2 Classic and Uncomplication. Note: The Stupidity Safty simply causes that Not Injected EU gets wasted (cable tries to insert 512 EU but the machine uses 32 EU. 480EU get wasted)

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