Luminators flicker with classic e-net

Issue #5 resolved
Alistair Buxton created an issue

To reproduce:

  1. Place a batbox.
  2. Charge it.
  3. Place 1 piece of cable (any type).
  4. Place a luminator.


New luminators placed after enabling the classic e-net just flicker about 4 times per second and make the game lag. Luminators pre-existing in the world before activating the classic e-net do not do this, unless they run out of energy., then they will flicker when the energy supply comes back.

The cable also appears to disconnect from the lit luminator.

Video demonstrating the bug:

List of mods installed:


Comments (9)

  1. Richaards

    You call it "RESOLVED"???

    Sorry but IT IS NOT! 1.7.10 is still having this issue - therefore it is NOT resolved. 1.8+ is for another version which we are not talking here about.

    This needs to be resolved for 1.7.10 and only then you can put tag RESOLVED.

    so still awaiting for this issue to be resolved.... any possible dates for when will it be resolved?

  2. Aroma1997 repo owner

    It IS resolved in a newer version and it will probably not get resolved for MC 1.7.10, since 1.7.10 is horribly outdated.

  3. Richaards

    Well then if there's not gonna be update for 1.7.10, could you please let me know is there any way perhaps to copy some contents from 1.8+ versions .jar files and put it in 1.7.10 so this nasty luminator issue could be fixed? (since I don't have any coding experience I just tried copy/pasting, converting class/java/class but either crashes or not working..)

    Very naive to hope that this would work.. but maybe??

  4. Aroma1997 repo owner

    If it would be doable in a reasonable amount of time, I'd already have done it. This bug is way more tricky than you'd believe.

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