
Issue #1 resolved
Former user created an issue

I found a bug, he gets stuck with the reaper after he died, and he died even though he had 100 emergency teleports in the bag

Comments (6)

  1. Tybault Hollanders

    Hey, Thank you for the bug.

    What teleport tab did you select? Was it to your house? I've never died with the bot so it will be hard to find out. The reaper handler is something runemate related tho. I don't think that is something I can fix

  2. justarock

    will let you know what happens when i run out of food. currently have bank set to Burthorpe and escape set to Ardougne, so we shall see if it is only home teleport... im also using runes instead of tabs, so that could take a shit on me as well lol

  3. Tybault Hollanders

    House teleports where bugged due to me typing: "Falador teleport" in the code :p

    Using spells should be supported, tho never tested. The code is old tho and requires either the spell be on the main action bar or the tab to be open. Will adjust code now so you can put in on any action bar or will open the menu by itself

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