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Interactive Data Exporation / visualization.json


Accepts an array of objects, each object describing the visualization. Example:


        "visualizationType": "dataTable",

        {"attributeName": "CancerType"},
        {"attributeName": "BCRPatientUIDFromClinical"},
        {"attributeName": "BCRSlideUID"},
        {"attributeName": "BCRPatientUIDFromPathology"}
        "heading": "TCGA",
        "subheading": ""

        "visualizationType": "imageGrid",
                "attributeName": "image",
                "type": "image"
        "heading": "Bubble Chart",
        "subheading": "Using synthetic data"

        "visualizationType": "heatMap",

                "attributeName": "AgeatInitialDiagnosis",
                "type": "x"
                "attributeName": "KarnofskyScore",
                "type": "y"
        "heading": "Heat Map",
        "subheading": "AgeatInitialDiagnosis vs KarnofskyScore"

In the above example we have 3 visualizations dataTable, imageGrid and heatMap. Details of the supported visualizations are described below.

The system currently supports 4 types of visualizations:

  1. dataTable
  2. bubbleChart
  3. imageGrid
  4. heatMap

1. dataTable

Provides a tabular representation of the provided attributes. Shows 100 records at a time.

    "visualizationType": "dataTable",
        {"attributeName": "id"},
        {"attributeName": "Ai"},
        {"attributeName": "Di"}

2. bubbleChart

A bubble chart representation of the provided attributes. Can be used to visualize 4 dimensions.


    "visualizationType": "bubbleChart",
            "attributeName": "a1",
            "type": "x",
            "dimension": true
            "attributeName": "a2",
            "type": "y"
            "attributeName": "a3",
            "type": "color"
            "attributeName": "a4",
            "type": "r"

Following types are used to represent 4 dimensions on the chart.

  • x : on the x axis
  • y : on the y axis
  • r : radius of bubbles
  • color: colors of bubbles

Atleast one attributes needs to have dimension: true.

3. imageGrid

Creates an image grid using the images from the attribute having type: image


    "visualizationType": "imageGrid",
            "attributeName": "image",
            "type": "image"
    "heading": "Image grid",
    "subheading": "Using dummy data"

Requires an attribute to have "type": "image" which shall be used as the location of the image.

4. heatMap


        "visualizationType": "heatMap",

                "attributeName": "AgeatInitialDiagnosis",
                "type": "x"
                "attributeName": "KarnofskyScore",
                "type": "y"
        "heading": "Heat Map",
        "subheading": "AgeatInitialDiagnosis vs KarnofskyScore"

Requires attributes having "type": "x" and "type": "y" for the x and y axes respectively.
