Call of Duty Ghosts iso's not detected

Issue #1 resolved
Former user created an issue

It scans my games folder for iso's and finds them all but skips the two Call of duty Ghosts iso's which give no errors at all in other dvd menu creators, they also play fine on my xbox360.

Comments (9)

  1. Patrick Vincent

    i also tried removing the dvd2 and keeping just dvd1, same error: [17:25:17] (DEBUG) --> isoFile: [V:\games\call.of.duty.ghosts.iso] [17:25:17] (ERROR) Too many results for a unique (single result) query [ObjectDB 2.5.4_03] javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException Too many results for a unique (single result) query (error 781) at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getSingleResult( at com.xkeybrew.dao.impl.IsoDaoImpl.getIso( at com.xkeybrew.utils.XStore.loadGameFromFile( at com.xkeybrew.utils.XStore.access$300( at com.xkeybrew.utils.XStore$ at javafx.concurrent.Task$ at at

  2. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    Ok got it ;-) Can you please send me the {app folder}/data/xkeybrew.odb file as it is right now. Then delete that file, reload the app and send me the new fresh log file. Thanks.

  3. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    Thanks I am now able to reproduce the error on my side. Will try to make a fix asap

    Error was that you had two iso file (named differently, call.of.duty.ghosts.dvd1.iso and call.of.duty.ghosts.dvd2.iso) but both were call of duty ghosts dvd1 ! which causes multiple records in database for the same game (and it should be unique)

  4. Patrick Vincent

    well they are actually not both dvd1, they are dvd1 and dvd2, i can start both of them without dvdmenu. dvd2 is the install disk to install the single player campaign to the harddrive. i don't use dvd2 anymore so i deleted it. i now only use dvd1 to start the campaign.

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