Error Building DVD Menu

Issue #19 resolved
Ben Kellermann created an issue

-- UPDATE --

After posting, I tried the default theme. As I'm writing, it seems to be working. It no doubt got past the error I was having above.

I finally found that even though I had downloaded the themes, some already came with it so it wasn't using the downloaded files I thought it was.

I just read through the tickets again and saw new posts including that 1.7 was posted. I downloaded and upgraded (copying files on top of old) and it fixed my issue 100% it seems - even with the City theme.

Therefore, just wanted to add a couple of suggestions for future versions, please... - When in the Games list (either view) it would be very helpful if possible to use the the arrow keys to scroll between the games instead of just the scroll bar - After initially scanning my ISOs, I had to manually edit each games and set it to AGBX verified. If there was a away to mass edit this and perhaps other details, it would be helpful.

Happy to test any of that or whatever else if needed.


- Original Ticket -

Good Morning -

First, thank you so much for creating a new tool! All xkey tools are out-dated if they work correctly. I really like what you've done so far...

Yesterday, I read about, downloaded, and extracted xKeyBrew. I also added themes by downloading them into a new folder I created in the root of xKeyBrew named "themes" without extracting them.

I opened the app without issue and did the following things: - Set initial options to existing ABGX path, games path on ext drive, the rest defaults - It loaded / cached all my games (~80) in which all but 3 are ABGX verified - Had to edit each game to highlight ABGX verified as needed - Went to DVDMenu and themes were listed that I downloaded. Selected City - In build menu, pointed to installed DVDStyler (newest version) which was in default path (C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDStyler\bin) - Deleted two menu files from games folder created before by dvdmenu - Left other build options as default

The Issue When I chose to build the menu, it immediatly errors out.

What I Tried (None resolved issue or gave different results) - Looked at log file (at end of post) - Pointing app to use portable DVDStyler located in old dvdmenu folder - Tried Different theme - Tried running xKeyBrew from C: (First had run app from folder on same external drive as my games) - Uninstalled DVDStyler + deleted any files from AppData then re-installed latest version - Creating DVD files for each of my game ISOs via ABGX - Setting Java settings to lowest security - Removed "TM" which was in small font in first game it tried to add (see log below)

System Specs - Windows 7 SP1 x64 (Fully Patched) - I attached the file "SystemReport.txt" which will gave you all hardware specs you need - Java 7u45 (both x86 & x64 versions installed) - x8 Hard Drives - x1 SSD with OS installed - x6 HDDs in pool (Drive Bender) - x1 HDD not in pool for paging and some app installations - x1 External Drive I use for backup ISOs - 1tb 2.5" USB 3.0 drive - Powered via bus - not external power source - Formatted NTFS - Game ISO Detail - Located in "games" folder on root of drive - All Scanned by ABGX - Each games has following accompanying files - all with same name - .jpg - Cover - .dvd - Created by ABGX (Required for xKeyBrew?) - .xml - Previously created by dvdmenu - .iso - The game

Log Files Found log file in app\bin\ and opened up. It loads the games just fine - but - when I try to build and it fails, the below appears

[12:32:06] (INFO) [COPYING RESOURCES TO BUILD FOLDER] [12:32:07] (INFO) [BUILDING DVDS FILE] [12:32:07] (DEBUG) --> creating vmgmMenu 0 [12:32:07] (ERROR) Label [ARMORED CORE™: VERDICT DAY™] should have a minimum height of 15.00 for this font. Label [ARMORED CORE™: VERDICT DAY™] should have a minimum height of 15.00 for this font. at com.xkeybrew.utils.XUtils.computeClippedWrappedText( at com.xkeybrew.utils.XUtils.computeBreakText( at com.xkeybrew.views.dvdmenu.jaxb.DvdStylerHelper.createSvgText( at com.xkeybrew.views.dvdmenu.jaxb.DvdStylerHelper.createObjects( at com.xkeybrew.views.dvdmenu.jaxb.DvdStylerHelper.createMenu( at com.xkeybrew.views.dvdmenu.jaxb.DvdStylerHelper.buildDocument( at at com.xkeybrew.controllers.BuildPopupController$1$ at javafx.concurrent.Task$ at at com.xkeybrew.utils.XUtils.lambda$runAndWait$108( at com.xkeybrew.utils.XUtils$$Lambda$86/ Source) at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$6$ at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$6$ at Method) at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$ at$ at Method) at$300( at$4$ at

Any Ideas? By the way, I'm more than willing to be a tester for you if it would help. I'm an SCCM Engineer so even though my specialty isn't programming (beyond PowerShell, VBS, etc) I know my way around a bit.


Comments (6)

  1. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    Wow that's the longest bug report I have ever seen ! But truth is.. it's really complete, got all the info required, nice one ;-)

    Regarding the bug itself, it was an easy one. Like you pointed out, there were some labels that should have bigger height (due to some mad calculation made to make sure they are properly rendered). The fix would have been to edit the theme and changed the label height with the minimum given in the log. But anyway as someone else already reported this and like you didn't know what to do (issue #10), I have improved this mechanism in the last release (1.7). That's why it's now working for you.

    Few comments:

    • highlight ABGX verified as needed: this isn't needed, it's just a feature to help you remember which game you already verified with abgx. You can use it or not it's up to you.

    • added themes by downloading them into a new folder: the app is already bundled with some default themes (installed in app/themes, no need to create a new folder). The themes section on this wiki is for others who wants to share their creation (as the wiki is a collaborative page). This is already explained in the FAQ but I will also add a comment on the themes section just in case.

    • Required for xKeyBrew?: XKeyBrew has its own embedded database. Everything that it creates is located in the app/build folder. Older files like xml files or image files are no longer used (except by the web interface).

    • Happy to test any of that or whatever else if needed: well that's already what you are doing by posting reports here, so keep it that way if you find anything else (but I hope not ^^). Thanks !

    • use the arrow keys: I have created a new task for that (#20)

    • mass edit ABGX verified: I will need to think a little more about that

    Thanks again and glad you liked it ;-)

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