No menu button created

Issue #21 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi! I've tried building the menu (all themes tested) and after pressing any button on the controller it shows me DVD control line and does not allow to select any button on the menu itself.

Comments (7)

  1. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    To navigate inside the dvd-menu you have to use the stick to move from one item to another and the (A) button to interact with them. That's all you need to use.

  2. Valdemar Griskevic

    What's exactly that I'm doing, but it looks like only the page without buttons is created.

  3. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    Can you attach the log file of the application and the generated dvds file, please ? Thanks

  4. Laurent

    Hi Badisi, i 've got same problem, the menu was made without errors but on Xbox, no buttons are on the menu, only artworks and background. You can download .log and .dvds files at this link :

  5. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    @koala0145 Thanks for the log, was very helpful.

    [DVDStyler][stderr] Error: can't open file 'frame-v2.xml'

    DVDStyler can't find this file and thus can't build normal button.
    Why ? will you ask.. well.. you are using DVDStyler 2.0.1 and 2.5+ is required !!

    I should have say: RTFM ^^. But I will also put the requirement on the main page (in case someone else missed it)

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