Build xsk file error

Issue #24 resolved
Anthony G created an issue

First off, the XkeyBrew looks awesome, but unfortunately I cannot get it to work. I ran the xkeybrew as administrator, and I have tried to build thru the xkeybrew, I have also attempted the other method of : ◦build the dvds file with XKeyBrew, ◦open it with DVDStyler and build the dvd menu iso from there, ◦go back to XKeyBrew and use it to finish the process.

I still get the same error please help.

Comments (2)

  1. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    You are getting a DVDStyler error :

    [DVDStyler][stderr] Error: can't open file 'frame-v2.xml'

    It cannot find this file because you are using DVDStyler v2.0.1 and XKeyBrew required 2.5+. If only people were reading manual.... ;-)

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