Load game via WiFi API

Issue #4 new
Rob Lambell created an issue

Ability to load a game directly. Whether the option is displayed in the UI could be a setting.


Comments (11)

  1. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    This is a feature I thought about but as I don't have the WiFi dongle I was not able to test it. Maybe donation can help on this point ;-). Or I will try to blindly implement it and somehow find a way to make it testable to you guys.

  2. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    Thanks for the share. I will definitely look into this and keep you informed ;-)


    Can you please help me clarify those points:

    • The HTTP requests are sent to the "{k3y-IP}". Are we talking about the xbox IP ?
    • The HTTP services are provided by the xkey itself ? (the web interface has nothing to do with it, it is just a web server that uses these services and runs somewhere)
    • Regarding the info available in the data.xml I will be dealing with just a game name and an id generated from the game path ?

    If the latest is true then I will have no way to make a match between the games listed in the data.xml and the ones available in the XKeyBrew app (no correlative information). Moreover the info will be insufficient to download any other data (like cover or description) if a game is found on the HDD and was not previously loaded by the XKeyBrew app.

    I can't seem to find a pertinent way to implement a WiFi feature that makes use of the existing data in the XKeyBrew app. Only thing I can think of is implementing a separate feature that just display the list of game returned by the data query and offers to launch them.. like the web interface or mobile apps does I think.

    Do you agree ?

  3. Rob Lambell reporter

    Aha. I hadn't seen that you'd updated your comment! Let me try to address each point in order.

    {k3y-IP} is the IP of the xk3y device, connected using the official WiFi dongle or a compatible Ethernet adapter.

    The xk3y device provides HTTP (lighttpd IIRC) and some functionality as detailed in the API documentation.

    Yes, the Web Interface is HTML / JS which is bundled with the xk3y and makes use of the published API / services. The same code could be hosted elsewhere.

    Here's an example data.xml


    The string checks in the example code I linked to would be sufficient for this to work. It is working code.

    The game ID is a sha1 hash (this is the same as the CreateSectorMap method in the DVD Menu project) of the path to the iso, after games/. For example:-

    E:\games\FIFA 14\FIFA 14 [15467F11].iso
    games/FIFA 14/FIFA 14 [15467F11].iso
    FIFA 14/FIFA 14 [15467F11].iso

    As long as the part of the path we are concerned with matches on the xk3y and the XKeyBrew app games library, then the correct request can be made directly. I'd suggest this be kept straightforward, and that simply be explained as a requirement.

  4. Prateek Bisaria

    I'm trying to figure out how to get a supported Ethernet adapter to work with my xk3y, can any of you guys help me out?

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