Picture not found with red happy face

Issue #55 resolved
Jeremy Lepp created an issue

When I load the dvd menu from dashboard a few titles are missing the pictures to the games the games work fine though it just gets frustrating when I have more then a few like that. I've searched your page nermous times with no avail.

Now can I fix this issue with the xbrew.xex program ? Or can

you send me a detailed link on how to fix this issue plz your instructions are very well I installed dvd menu first try .

Great job BTW I'm excited for your new 2.0 version to come out.

Comments (9)

  1. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    Pictures you are seeing (ie. "happy face" as you said) means that no cover or banner have been found for the corresponding game or there were a problem retrieving them.

    You can manage this by editing a game and either :

    • try to refresh the cover or banner in default
    • change the source of the cover or banner to see if it can be found elsewhere
    • or simply upload your own local picture
  2. Jeremy Lepp reporter

    Ty I got it figured out I just had to turn on my WiFi and wala I got all the banners . Are you coming out with a new dvd menu soon that can hold more then 99 isos. Also if I get the xk3y WiFi dongle will I beable to see all the games on my 2tb had? And load the games straight to dashboard with it. Any help is appreciated ty.

  3. Joe

    I have a similar issue, cover pic not found, but trying either site in the program doesn't help. My Wi-Fi is on. all other covers found, just two that are not. But don't see a way to fix. A tutorial on this would be great or any info on how to replace cover pic. Thanks

  4. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    @jlepp81 : support of the wifi interface is part of the 2.0 roadmap, 99 limits will be investigated once 2.0 is out (not a high priority before that)

  5. 巴蒂斯Badisi repo owner

    @Mojobaby : what are the 2 games that are not working in your case ?

    Xbw is using a game titleId to retrieve its cover and banner on the internet (currently on download.xbox.com and tiles.xbox.com). It's possible that your games are not listed on those sites and make xbw display the default "happy face" picture.

    Again you can upload a personal picture by editing a game, clicking on the dropdown arrow of any of the cover or banner and choosing to open a file from your file system.

  6. Joe

    One game is Madden 16, came out in the last month, but still a pretty popular game I would think it would be on there. The weird thing is I can go two games to the right click on the picture of Madden 25 it will start Madden 16. Any ideas? I will try to see if I can get your edit instructions to work to fix the missing cover issue but still not sure why it is off by one or two? Unless it has to do with the missing cover pic . Thanks

  7. Joe

    Problem solved, thank you for your help. It just occurred to me that maybe I should re-download and install the program from bit bucket to make sure nothing was corrupted, because I didn't see any options by the game covers to edit the game in the version I had. So after re-downloaded And chose the tiles.xbox option and it downloaded all my covers with no problem. And all the covers associated to the correct game, not doing that thing. Where I had to pick a cover one or two to the left or right to get the right game. I can't remember where I got the original copy of your software. obviously it had gotten corrupted. Thanks again for the awesome program.

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