Problem with switching of account

Issue #12 closed
Dave created an issue

Hello Boris,

I have a problem with the switch from account! I have a default account and an account that I 'remote login'.

If I am logged in 'remote' and choose a folder (e.g. a separate folder called test) and then press my default account I get this message:

Problem 2.jpg

This problem is not present in folders that exist in both accounts.

Now the plugin ident_switch is unusable for us and we still use identities_imap.

Can you fix this problem?

Comments (8)

  1. Dave reporter

    I have download the latest ZIP and this problem is present in all browsers.

    Roundcube version 1.2.2

  2. Boris Gulay repo owner

    Try to update ident_switch.php to latest version from master branch in repo. I have not yet tagget latest revision yet.

  3. Dave reporter

    Unfortunately, the new version didn't solved this issue! Now I have files from 2016-10-10 23:49.

  4. Boris Gulay repo owner

    It' because last folder in previous account does not exists in current one. I can make plugin reset selection to INBOX after switch. Is it ok for you?

  5. Dave reporter

    Hello Boris,

    That's a great idea! Can you make that? Then I will download and test the new files.

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