Why would you want this plugin?

Issue #18 resolved
Brian Harcourt created an issue

This allows selecting different identities FOR SENDING. Thus the additional IMAP info seems pointless to me; sending under different identities would require SMTP info per identity (and there is already a plugin that does that). Given that you've collected the IMAP info per identity; I expected the 'combo box' that allowed selecting different identities would be placed on the READING page of Roundcube. Am I missing something?

Comments (8)

  1. Brian Harcourt reporter

    Hmmm - perhaps it does work as I expect if I can get the plugin to actually accept and store the values I'm putting into the form. Maybe I'll edit the database directly and see if I can add required info to 'enable' the secondary identities.

  2. Brian Harcourt reporter

    Bha! Good question. I guess I was kinda cranky yesterday, my apologies. But I do wonder if this is trying to do what I expect or if I have it misconfigured: I'd hoped to receive multiple IMAP accounts in a single Roundcube session. I see a lot of posts hoping for a unified inbox (which I understand this is not - it seems that would be a significant redesign of Roundcube). But the only selecting of the alternate identities that I can surface is on sending email. Is that was the intent here is? To send from multiple identities in a single Roundcube session?

  3. Boris Gulay repo owner

    No. With this plugin you can switch between mailboxes and see it's content. Sending with dirrerent identities is just an option, but not the purpose.

  4. Brian Harcourt reporter

    Excellent - that's what I'm looking for! Now, I wonder what I've got wrong such that I'm not seeing what I expect. Maybe to help me you could send me a screen shot of where the pulldown to select other inboxes appears once the system is working. I have a primary mailbox working just fine. I've got a secondary identity built now, it took some doing to get the form to actually save the IMAP info for the second identity. The second identity is enabled (at least the checkbox comes up as 'checked'). But there is no place on the mail reading screen where I can seem to navigate to this second inbox. Do you have any ideas?

  5. Brian Harcourt reporter

    Ooohhh!!! It's there! Man - maybe I'm just blind! Don't know how I missed it. Tho - digging I do note it doesn't seem to surface in the 'classic' interface. Anyway - THANK YOU!! This is what I needed.

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