Error switching accounts

Issue #4 closed
Former user created an issue

So now that I've setup two identities with the IMAP enabled on and all fields filled in, I get this error when trying to switch identities: identswitch-no-passwd.png

I just logged in, so it should be the default identity selected, but somehow the pulldown box has the testidentity selected. When I click the default identity you see this error.

When I added another identity I could actually switch to that identity, but the pulldown box always has the last entry selected somehow.

Comments (5)

  1. Boris Gulay repo owner

    Can you explain a bit more? You have thee identities: one default and ywo with IMAP enabled. Right? When you log into Roudcube testident is selected in the combobox not default ident. Right? When you try to switch to default identity you get this error? Explain last sentense please, what you mean "last entry"?

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Yes, three identities, one default and two with IMAP. Indeed, after login Testidenty is selected. And yes, when I switch to default this error is shown. With "last entry" I mean whatever is in the bottom of the combobox, so first is always default, second was "anothertest" identity and third/last was the testidentity.

  3. Boris Gulay repo owner

    Looks like JS error. Can you check sonsole in browser please? You installation looks like a test. Can you give me access to that?

  4. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    I don't see any javascript errors in my console. My installation is a staging area, while I can give you access I won't do so in public, so send me an email at and I'll give you the details so you can test :)

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