Postgresql sql error and SSL disabling regression

Issue #42 closed
Immae created an issue

Commit introduced two issues:

  • First, the postgresql.init.sql is now invalid, as it has imap_port and smtp_port but the "CHECKs" still say only "port" in both places

  • Big email providers such as gmail and hotmail only support imap via SSL (on port 993) and not TLS, so disabling SSL makes them impossible to use with this plugin.

Comments (4)

  1. Boris Gulay repo owner

    Thanx for pointing to incorrect CHECKs, Fixed. SSL is really outdated in 2019. Will check what it will take to return SSL support.

  2. Immae reporter

    Thanks Boris. I’m aware that usually SSL-port support is replaced with a STARTTLS protocol almost everywhere, however in the case of imap specifically it seems to be very rare currently. I was as surprised as you about that actually...

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