IMAP Folders showing incorrect on 1und1/Ionos Accounts

Issue #50 closed
Roland Meier created an issue


your switch works well, but on my 1und1 Account the Archive Folder Structure is showing each separate. The folder structure comes from Thunderbird and works here also on Webmailer, see Screenshot 1.

But in Roundcube it shows each folder separate which results in a long list, see Screenshot 2.

I don´t know the limiter, I think Archives/2014/2014-01

Would be great if this works in near future.

Comments (23)

  1. Roland Meier reporter

    Hello Boris,

    great to read from you.
    Roundcube has an option for in for this:

    // If you know your imap's folder delimiter, you can specify it here.
    // Otherwise it will be determined automatically
    $config['imap_delimiter'] = null;

    This works for all the accounts directly hosted on same machine.

    But only the external Ionos shows since years this error, also on the current stable 1.3.10 as 1.4RC2

    An older Plugin had a separate delimiter field, the new one not.

    I hoped this is a topic from the plugin, as the Roundcube Github closed also my topic according this with… “Thing of Plugin developer”.

    Happy that the plugin works also on new Roundcube, but if this gets corrected it would be great.

  2. Roland Meier reporter


    when I set the the imap_delimiter to '/' the 1und1/Ionos Account Folder works. But then the others wont work.

    I have to set generally the ‘.' or NULL value and only for mails from 1und1 on '/’

    The old plugin version had such a delimiter field… The new not?

  3. Roland Meier reporter

    Hello again,

    the problem acc. imap.log is that in a single session the delimiter is detected based from the login mail:

    S: * NAMESPACE (("" ".")) NIL NIL

    When the switch to the 1und1 account comes the namespace is not redetected, here I need a “/” but from before its a “.” so the orders are not listed correctly.

    So for my understanding, its not a thing of roundcube. The ident_switch have to redetect on change of mail account.

    Can you confirm this?

  4. Roland Meier reporter

    Small hint from Roundcube author:

    A hint for the plugin author. Imap delimiter and other capabilities are stored in session
    storage. So, the session need to be cleared when switching servers.

  5. Boris Gulay repo owner

    So, looks like I have to add this option (IMAP delimiter) for remote accounts. Right?

  6. Roland Meier reporter

    Yes would be great, wen the delimiter switch on account change to corresponding delimiter.

  7. Roland Meier reporter


    I tried your new files like follows:

    1. I downloaded the new package
    2. I uploaded on a fresh ident_switch Plugin folder
    3. I added the additional column into table

    There is a new field (without translation) in which I can insert a . or a /

    My 1und1 need a / its saved but the same view as before.

    I tried also to make a . without success. Also on other accounts which uses normall . and I insert / thats make no difference???

  8. Roland Meier reporter

    OH… Sending Mails from SMTP no working since last update, but only on the 1und1 account… This was working before???
    Changes regarding this?

  9. Roland Meier reporter

    The version before worked with 1und1 SMTP Port 465. But not with current version.

    But with the Port 587 it works again???

  10. Dennis U.

    I had the same issue that 465 did not work, but 587 does the trick (server is The port 465 still works for Thunderbird (Desktop) and K-9 (Android).
    If I run tcpdump, I can see the 3-Way-Handshake, but nothing more happens until the Connection Teardown via TCP FIN. During this time, the web interface became unresponsible until the connection timeout.

    However, TCP 587 as workaround is enough for me.

  11. Boris Gulay repo owner

    Port 465 is for SSL. 587 usually use TLS.

    SSL is not supported by plugin because it was compromised years ago.

  12. Dennis U.

    @Boris Gulay Yes, SSL is breached, TLS is its progression or replacement (actually SSL 3.0 is TLS 1.0, therefore SSL and TLS are sometimes used as synonyms).

    But the differences between port 465 and 587 is that port 587 is basically unencrypted and can be upgraded to an encrypted connection by calling STARTTLS. Since the first communications are unencrypted, man in the middle attacker can remove the wish to upgrade to TLS (I guess it is called STRIPTLS).

    Port 456 is SSL/TLS encrypted generally, similar to HTTPS. Therefore 456 is called SMTPS and should be used in favour of STARTTLS.

  13. Roland Meier reporter

    I´m back to Tag 4.1 again, because I had also with my other accounts and port 465 big problems. With 4.1 it runs. With 4.2 also the imag-delimiter is not working as expected.

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