Problem when the tls option is checked.

Issue #63 closed
Bernardo created an issue

Hi Boris, I have a problem and I don't know where to find the error.
When I configure an identity and check the tls option, it gives me a connection error. Enabling the debug of the IMAP connection shows me the following:

[10-Mar-2020 18:35:52 -0300]: <3pfecg7q> [EFA9] Connecting to tls: // tls: // localhost: 143 ...
[10-Mar-2020 18:35:52 -0300]: <3pfecg7q> [9392] Connecting to tls: // tls: // localhost: 143 ...
[10-Mar-2020 18:35:53 -0300]: <3pfecg7q> [2FBB] Connecting to tls: // tls: // localhost: 143 ...

It is obvious that the tls: // option is repeated so the hostname is incorrect.
For that reason, I uncheck the tls option and it works correctly although it later gives me the typical error Plaintext authentication disabled:

[10-Mar-2020 18:37:53 -0300]: <3pfecg7q> [E96A] Connecting to localhost: 143 ...
[10-Mar-2020 18:37:53 -0300]: <3pfecg7q> [E96A] S: A0002 NO [PRIVACYREQUIRED] Plaintext authentication disabled.

So my first conclusion is that for some reason when checking the tls option the connection host is sending badly.

At the moment I have solved it by unchecking tls and putting as host ssl: // localhost to port 993 and I have made it work, but as you well know that would not be ideal.

Any idea what I can be doing wrong?

Thanks, Bernardo.

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