Upgrade to ident_switch 4.3 mailbox not found error

Issue #69 resolved
kiruna created an issue

After upgrading to ident_switch 4.3 the switch isn’t working, in the log file I see the following messages.

[05-Jun-2020 22:18:50 +0200]: <...> Requested remote mailbox with ID = 12 not found.
[05-Jun-2020 22:19:06 +0200]: <...> Requested remote mailbox with ID = 9 not found.
[05-Jun-2020 22:28:00 +0200]: <...> Requested remote mailbox with ID = 14 not found.

The looking at the ident_switch table these id’s do exist

Running RC 1.4.4 and ident_switch via composer install.

Comments (2)

  1. kiruna reporter

    Solved, my table was missing the 019121300.sql updates and therefor the query had an error “DB Error: [1054] Unknown column 'drafts_mbox' in 'field list'“

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