Error switching accounts

Issue #8 closed
Mathieu Ambrosy created an issue


I have 2 accounts : default and external imap

  1. When I log in, I see my default account (imap tls, email :, no problem : 1.png

  2. When I switch to my additional imap account (imap no tls, email :, no problem : 2.png

  3. But when I go back to my default account, I have this issue : 3.png

IMAP Error : login failed for

Note : If I go back to my additional imap account, it works but I need to log out/log in to see again my default account whitout error message.


Comments (11)

  1. Boris Gulay repo owner

    Looks like you have not the latest version. Because I've already fixed something like that in d93dd2b. Can you please confirm.

  2. Mathieu Ambrosy reporter

    Thanks for your answer.

    I'm not familiar with composer but I think I have the latest version. I used composer with : "boressoft/ident_switch": "~1.0"

    And I just try with "boressoft/ident_switch": "dev-master" and "composer.phar update".

    I confirm that my ident_switch.php contains latest version with code like :

    // Currently selected identity
    $iid = $_SESSION['iid' . $this->my_postfix];

    I also tried to disable all plugins except "ident_switch".

    Note that I'm using RoundCube 1.2.0.


  3. Boris Gulay repo owner

    Can you send your IMAP settings (screenshot) directly to me (with BitBucket direct message)? At this point I need more info about this case. Log file for ident_switch plugin would also be very useful.

  4. Mathieu Ambrosy reporter

    Hi Boris, unfortunately the issue persists after the update ("LOGIN failed").

    My main account uses TLS, my secondary not. Could be a cause ?

  5. Jascha Schewtschenko

    Hi Boris,

    I encounter the same 'unwanted feature'. My php-fu is unfortunately not so strong, but I managed to find out that in my version (prob same as mathieu's), the username and password are set correctly when switching back to default identity, but the host, flags and port are not changed back to the correct values but remain those of the last visited additional identity (at least that are the values used by the imap connect attempt later on).

  6. Dave

    We have also this problem.

    Information: PHP 5.6 - RoundCube 1.2.2 - last version of ident_switch.

    Can you fix this problem? I see that this problem is since 2016-06-13

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