Administration panel issue

Issue #140 resolved
Gregoire BIETTE created an issue

When logging in as an admin, I have this error.


This error occurs on /admin/summary and on /admin/jobs.

Associated log in production.log, Find attached full logs.

[Thu Nov 30 10:11:46 2017] [error] Not an ARRAY reference at template alambic/admin/summary.html.ep line 97.
92:                   <th>Task</th>
93:                   <th>Args</th>
94:                   <th>Status</th>
95:                   <th>Actions</th>
96:                 </tr>
97: % foreach my $job (@{app->minion->backend->list_jobs}) {
98: %   my $icon = "fa-question"; my $results = "";
99: %   if ($job->{'state'} =~ m!^active!) { $icon = "fa-spinner fa-spin"; }
100: %   elsif ($job->{'state'} =~ m!^inactive!) { $icon = "fa-hourglass-o"; }
101: %   elsif ($job->{'state'} =~ m!^failed!) { $icon = "fa-frown-o"; }
102: %   elsif ($job->{'state'} =~ m!^finished!) { next; $icon = "fa-smile-o"; }

I use PostgreSQL 9.5 locally. Connection in command line from localhost works well (md5 in pg_hba.conf)

I ran the tests, please find attached the output (given by bin/alambic test > test.txt).

I tried to run

prove -P HTML=outfile:test_output.html,force_inline_css:1,force_inline_js:1 -Ilib -r --timer -Q t/

but got this error : Can't load module HTML at /bin/prove line 11.

If you need further information, just ask.

Comments (8)

  1. Boris Baldassari repo owner

    Hi Grégoire,

    Thanks for submitting the bug.

    I could finally reproduce it, and I believe this is due to a brutal change of API in the Mojo::Minion queuing system that show up only with the latest updates of the Perl module. This has been fixed in commit 4c788ce so a simple git pull should get the fix.

    As a sidenote, I believe that you have a problem with your R install -- the test should pass, and it doesn't in your logs.

  2. Boris Baldassari repo owner

    Update: other parts of the code are impacted as well. I'm investigating it further, please hold on. I'll update this bug asap.

  3. Boris Baldassari repo owner

    Hi again,

    I think it is all fixed now. Made a couple of other changes, all tests run fine now, and further manual testing showed no boo-boo.

    Please let me know if/how it works.


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