Beer Race

Issue #30 resolved
Cokemonkey11 repo owner created an issue

Beer race would be cool! Example:

DONE Worker: Peasant

DONE Runner: Town Drunk

Upgrades: Swaying (makes attacks miss), Broken Glass (damages units that walk over it)


Base Path:

  • DONE Granary (Pierce)/Malting Facility
  • DONE Hop Farm (Siege)/Hop Cannon
  • DONE Yeast Lab (Magic)/Spin Kit

Middle Path:

  • DONE Home Brew Kit (Special)/Nano Brewery
  • DONE Beer Style Market Specialist (Siege)/Head Brewer (Chaos)
  • DONE Bottling Facility (Pierce)/Tome of Ancient Brewing Techniques

Expensive Path:

  • DONE Traditional Pub (Normal)/Beer Geek Bar
  • DONE Festival Booth (Special)/Barrel Exchange Agreement (Special)
  • Brewery Delivery Van (Spells)/Viking Ale Ship (Spells)

Ultimate: Brewmaster Alchemist: Can be specialised once for free:

  • Alpha Acid: bitter. units are permanently slowed
  • Citric Acid: sour/acidic. armor is corroded
  • Carbon Dioxide: suffocation. low hp units become paralyzed
  • Ethanol: flammable poison. units take two sources of DPS.

Ultimate: Witch (spells)

Comments (12)

  1. Cokemonkey11 reporter


    Granary, Malting Facility

    Hop Farm, Hop Cannon

    Options for Yeast Lab:

    • Simple tower with magic damage
    • All damage from Phoenix Fire
    • Simple tower with on-damage effect (think yeast: many variants)
    • Something related to spinning
    • Something related to refrigeration
  2. Cokemonkey11 reporter

    Festival Booth: two attack types - chaos and magic. Chaos attacks only work while counter available. Counter resets at the start of each round.

    Counter represented as a floating text.

  3. Cokemonkey11 reporter

    festival booth done. beer delivery van next

    learning point: add complexity to basic towers to make the skill curve more interesting in early game

  4. Cokemonkey11 reporter

    Festival Booth and Barrel Exchange Agreement finished.

    Next is Brewery Delivery Van and Viking Ale Ship

  5. Cokemonkey11 reporter
    • edited description

    Brewmaster alchemist is expensive and not funny.

    Witches would be historically accurate, interesting, easier, and more appreciated.

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