Artillery Race

Issue #31 resolved
Cokemonkey11 repo owner created an issue

Worker: peon

Runner: Glaive Thrower (Mechanical)

Upgrades: Attack! (has a minimum range), Repair System (heals 1/s while not on fire).


Base Path: Catapult (Siege), Ballista (Pierce), Demolisher (Spells - fire)

Middle Path: Battering Ram (Normal), Cannon (Siege, high damage, bad animation metrics), Siege Engine (Two attacks, two targets - Siege + Pierce)

Expensive Path: Grenadier + RPG (Pierce, Siege vs fortified?), Javelin (Special - spell), Abrams (Two attacks, two targets - Siege + Pierce)

Ultimate: Trebuchet (Special) - slow attack, throws large boulders at heroes, barrage at normal, and shrapnel at swarm. 300m range.

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