fix the gui allocation / deallocation memory issues

Issue #2 resolved
Coto repo owner created an issue

you wouldn’t believe me but I’ve dreamt of playing SnemulDS and got quite far in a game and when I wanted to save I had a segfault because I forgot to enable SRAM save and got it when checking the option. lol

Comments (2)

  1. Coto reporter

    Fix GUI issues in DSP branch.

    Notes: DSP branch can use ROMs up to 0x280000 or 2.5M since the rest of ROM mem is reserved for GUI allocation. Memory afterwards is the usual SnemulDS SNES memory.

    This means: master branch will always have memory issues due to low memory (about 240K free) and will overlap ROM memory by changing GUI settings :(, but at least there won’t be GUI segfaults anymore.

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