Fix Megaman X1, X2 and X3 AP

Issue #4 resolved
Coto repo owner created an issue

Megaman X1 is known for it’s anti piracy checks. But turns out MMX3 also features some of them. For instance Ice stage, drilling the ice cubes not breaking them, or Tunnel stage cracked walls not crumbling, thus preventing access to certain hidden items.

So far ROM is mirrored correctly, (changes not pushed to remote yet, fixes MMX1 losing armor between stages).

But ROM is also NOT write protected, and for instance, bank 0x70 @ 0x8000 (LoROM WS1 mirror) writes succeed and trigger the AP. Fix this.

Comments (3)

  1. Coto reporter

    After some research, turns out ROM is effectively write protected (changes not pushed to remote yet), but since SnemulDS IO mapper goes through a 4-stage SNES->DS Memory resolver (, turns out level 4) will always resolve SNES Read Map and will enable writing portions of memory that should otherwise be protected so AP doesn’t trigger.

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