port TWL fixes over DSP branch

Issue #9 resolved
Coto repo owner created an issue

when Coto88 / snemulds / issues / #8 - re-enable Megaman X3 Zero Project on TWL hardware — Bitbucket is done, port over TGDS1.65 fixes onto DSP branch, so DSP-1 games are booting in TWL mode hardware properly.

Comments (2)

  1. Coto reporter


    update TGDS-mb to commit: https://bitbucket.org/Coto88/toolchaingenericds-multiboot/commits/298c7717447ecde2fd4079b01274e73d26e9c7b3


    -Fixed a nasty bug where TGDS FS would be compiled and linked twice. Now it's compiled as standalone library, and linked once. -Fixed most TGDS compiler warnings, should fix random issues when linking to TGDS Projects


    TWL: TGDS projects now reload its TWL ARM7 payload from 0x02800000


    add "pseudo" support for SD TWL DLDI (DLDI NTR + TWL SD), but then I found out NTR mode homebrew in TWL mode has SCFG bits locked. Fail.


    -Restore SnemulDS TWL game compatibility to be the same as SnemulDS NTR mode. Fixes games like Donkey Kong Country 2 & 3 booting in TWL units.

    -Fixed touchscreen on TWL hardware + SnemulDS TWL!

    Note: It was a multiple level issue, but it was finally reduced to EWRAM extended from 4MB to 16M and overlapping pixel coordinates. This means for the time being rom hacks like Megaman X3 Zero Project won't run for the time being. But hey.


    implemented proper i2c irq handler, fixes ARM7 crashes when pressing volume up / down, and performs reset/shutdown properly by power button events


    fixed Megaman X3 Zero Project on TWL hardware, while retaining SnemulDS NTR compatibility in TWL mode. Which means both SnemulDS NTR and SnemulDS TWL share the same compatibility, except the extended memory mode (16M TWL) which is only supported on TWL hardware.


    fixed rom reloading. Works perfectly between extended TWL & NTR normal memory modes

  2. Coto reporter

    Coto88 / snemulds / Commit b72dff51d6ac — Bitbucket

    This commit makes the DSP branch fully playable (at 60fps on Mode7 games on TWL unit!) on NTR/TWL hardware

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