Fix TGDSProject3D using OpenGL in real hardware

Issue #16 resolved
Coto repo owner created an issue

It’s been a year since I tried running several TGDSProject3D projects on real hardware (DS Lite), and as expected, they work properly on emulators, but on TWL Unit, they cause issues:

SnakeGL: Missing textures on TWL Unit

TGDSProject3D: Black screen, but still ARM7 core working

AquariumGL: Missing textures on TWL Unit

BatallionNDS: boots but locks up after a while (possible GX FIFO overflow error, due to either malformed or overflowed triangles/quads count.

Comments (20)

  1. Coto reporter

    culprit is an untested ndsdisplaylistutils.


    roll back to ndsdisplaylistutils which used to work on real hardware (September-October 2022) which was SnakeGL on NDS Lite, then re-do all commits until it’s working in TWL unit.


    TexturedBlenderModelNDSRender also shows blackscreens on real hardware whereas on emulators they work, this means the lighting code is broken on NDS hardware as of at least September-October 2022 ndsdisplaylistutils):

    Coto88 / cgmodels / Commit 378224da11b5 — Bitbucket

  2. Coto reporter

    tests so far: Codebase pertaining to TGDS, newlib-nds and TexturedBlenderModelRender from this commit: 26 sept 2021:

    • ARM9: restore adpcm decoder to armv5te

    is broken on real hardware, so it’s 2 years of commits I have to re-do. I tried building against newer newlib-nds, TGDS but lighting code is broken.

  3. Coto reporter

    merge VideoGL 0.2 from 2021 into TGDS1.65, thus, very old but stable code base to begin integrating OpenGL + DisplayList + Lighting fixes into GX 3D hardware across TGDS Projects.
    Both Env_Mapping & TexturedBlenderModelNDSRender working properly in NTR/TWL mode along TWL hardware, including GX DisplayLists + Normals + Vertices + Light sources + Texture Coordinates: Coto88 / toolchaingenericds / Commit c5aabeaee4d5 — Bitbucket / Coto88 / cgmodels / Commit 8114ae3e5f47 — Bitbucket

  4. Coto reporter

    NDSDisplayListUtils (TGDS OpenGL driver) has been fixed on real hardware! (again). Working stable on TWL unit.

    -Fixed OpenGL (1.0) Display Lists on GX 3D hardware.
    -Fixed texture detection, any OpenGL call will correctly map 1:1 Texture offsets according to spec.
    -Remove legacy VideoGL code (non standard OpenGL spec)


    • Port the fixes across TGDSProject3Ds.
    • TGDS-unittest no longer has the OpenGL Display List utils code, it's in cgmodels/targetClientRenderers/NintendoDS/TexturedBlenderModelNDSRender now.

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