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The main idea of item bags is to allow the creation of bags that look like regular items but by right clicking or middle clicking (not creative) will give you access to under underlying inventory. This plugins also enchances the inventory system for the usage of the bags to allow a smooth transitions between the inventories.

But then came the "Configuration Update", it was the beginning of a rewrite to allow the bag types to be generated from .json files, but it didn't stop there, if you are already writing a complete configuration system why not also allow other items, like food, books, etc. Here comes the "Item Loading System" and also the "Recipe Loading System" which allows custom recipes to be loaded from .json files.


  • Commands - The commands that are available in the plugin.
  • Item Loading System - Load custom item types into the server.
  • Recipe Loading System - Load custom recipes into the server.
  • Bag Types - Allows the creating of bag types using the "Item Loading System".
  • Action and Value System - Allows a very advanced and extended configuration of your custom objects (currently only items).


Not really something that you will have to buy or download, but you will need a basic understanding of the .json format in order to be able to properly configure the item types and recipes.

Bag Types

Bag types or item bags are the main concept of the plugin, it allows the usage of various bag types that allow to access a set of inventories from within your current inventory or by a click on the right mouse button. There are various types like "Furnace Bag" which allows you to carry a burning furnace across the worlds. Or a "Enchanting Bag" that can be used to enchant items without having the need to place a enchanting table, just stand between some bookshelves and profit. And so on.
