Low vehicle speeds not reported

Issue #26 resolved
kudoukidd created an issue

Steering Report CAN frame will not report low vehicle speeds. You got some zeros at startup, and then something like 0.23 m/s. Values between 0~0.2x m/s are all reported as 0.

Comments (3)

  1. Micho Radovnikovich

    The speed measurement in the steering report message comes from the production vehicle, and it exhibits the deadband you are describing. To get feedback in low-speed situations, you have two options:

    • Use the /vehicle/wheel_position_report topic (message type WheelPositionReport). This topic contains incremental position ticks instead of speed. This makes it useful for extremely low speed maneuvers such as parking.

    • Use the /vehicle/wheel_speed_report topic (message type WheelSpeedReport). This topic contains the angular velocity of the individual wheels. These wheel speed measurements cut out to zero at a lower speed than the speed signal in the steering report message.

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