Generation of organized point clouds

Issue #25 resolved
Bart Gallet created an issue


Unless I am mistaken, the point clouds generated by this plugin are not organized (i.e. the data is organized as a 2D array, with a height larger than one).

How hard would it be to allow for organized point clouds?



Comments (13)

  1. Kevin Hallenbeck

    It looks pretty straightforward. There’s a slightly different PointCloud2 structure, but that’s it.

  2. Bart Gallet reporter

    Great, since I am doing this on my employer’s dime (IneritialSense), I will be doing this from their Bitbucket account.


  3. Kevin Hallenbeck

    The organize_cloud parameter is added in PR #10. I can merge and create a release when you verify it works in your setup.

  4. Bart Gallet reporter

    I am running into a segmentation error when I convert it to a pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>

    void PointCloudSegmentationRosWrapper::cloudCB(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& cloud_msg)
              // Extract point cloud from message
              pcl::PCLPointCloud2* cloud2 = new pcl::PCLPointCloud2;
              pcl_conversions::toPCL(*cloud_msg, *cloud2);
              // Convert the data to pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>
              pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
              pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2(*cloud2,*cloud);      // CRASHES HERE 

    Putting the debugger on it, I noticed that the row-step is 9680.

    I think the correct value for row-step is 352, we have 16 channels and each point is 22, so 22*16 = 352.

    I have also verified this with the data coming from my VLP16.

    So what fixed it for me is the following (see // *** NEW **** tags in the code below), but I have not tested this with organize_cloud disabled.

    void GazeboRosVelodyneLaser::OnScan(ConstLaserScanStampedPtr& _msg)
      const ignition::math::Angle maxAngle = parent_ray_sensor_->AngleMax();
      const ignition::math::Angle minAngle = parent_ray_sensor_->AngleMin();
      const double maxRange = parent_ray_sensor_->RangeMax();
      const double minRange = parent_ray_sensor_->RangeMin();
      const int rayCount = parent_ray_sensor_->RayCount();
      const int rangeCount = parent_ray_sensor_->RangeCount();
      const int verticalRayCount = parent_ray_sensor_->VerticalRayCount();
      const int verticalRangeCount = parent_ray_sensor_->VerticalRangeCount();
      const ignition::math::Angle verticalMaxAngle = parent_ray_sensor_->VerticalAngleMax();
      const ignition::math::Angle verticalMinAngle = parent_ray_sensor_->VerticalAngleMin();
      math::Angle maxAngle = parent_ray_sensor_->GetAngleMax();
      math::Angle minAngle = parent_ray_sensor_->GetAngleMin();
      const double maxRange = parent_ray_sensor_->GetRangeMax();
      const double minRange = parent_ray_sensor_->GetRangeMin();
      const int rayCount = parent_ray_sensor_->GetRayCount();
      const int rangeCount = parent_ray_sensor_->GetRangeCount();
      const int verticalRayCount = parent_ray_sensor_->GetVerticalRayCount();
      const int verticalRangeCount = parent_ray_sensor_->GetVerticalRangeCount();
      const math::Angle verticalMaxAngle = parent_ray_sensor_->GetVerticalAngleMax();
      const math::Angle verticalMinAngle = parent_ray_sensor_->GetVerticalAngleMin();
      const double yDiff = maxAngle.Radian() - minAngle.Radian();
      const double pDiff = verticalMaxAngle.Radian() - verticalMinAngle.Radian();
      const double MIN_RANGE = std::max(min_range_, minRange);
      const double MAX_RANGE = std::min(max_range_, maxRange);
      const double MIN_INTENSITY = min_intensity_;
      // Populate message fields
      const uint32_t POINT_STEP = 22;
      sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 msg;
      msg.header.frame_id = frame_name_;
      msg.header.stamp = ros::Time(_msg->time().sec(), _msg->time().nsec());
      msg.fields[0].name = "x";
      msg.fields[0].offset = 0;
      msg.fields[0].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      msg.fields[0].count = 1;
      msg.fields[1].name = "y";
      msg.fields[1].offset = 4;
      msg.fields[1].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      msg.fields[1].count = 1;
      msg.fields[2].name = "z";
      msg.fields[2].offset = 8;
      msg.fields[2].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      msg.fields[2].count = 1;
      msg.fields[3].name = "intensity";
      msg.fields[3].offset = 12;
      msg.fields[3].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      msg.fields[3].count = 1;
      msg.fields[4].name = "ring";
      msg.fields[4].offset = 16;
      msg.fields[4].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::UINT16;
      msg.fields[4].count = 1;
      msg.fields[5].name = "time";
      msg.fields[5].offset = 18;
      msg.fields[5].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      msg.fields[5].count = 1; * rangeCount * POINT_STEP);
      int i, j;
      uint8_t *ptr =;
      msg.height = 0;                                                                             // *** NEW   **** 
      for (i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < verticalRangeCount; j++) {
          // Range
          double r = _msg->scan().ranges(i + j * rangeCount);
          // Intensity
          double intensity = _msg->scan().intensities(i + j * rangeCount);
          // Ignore points that lay outside range bands or optionally, beneath a
          // minimum intensity level.
          if ((MIN_RANGE >= r) || (r >= MAX_RANGE) || (intensity < MIN_INTENSITY) ) {
            if (!organize_cloud_) {
          // Noise
          if (gaussian_noise_ != 0.0) {
            r += gaussianKernel(0,gaussian_noise_);
          // Get angles of ray to get xyz for point
          double yAngle;
          double pAngle;
          if (rangeCount > 1) {
            yAngle = i * yDiff / (rangeCount -1) + minAngle.Radian();
          } else {
            yAngle = minAngle.Radian();
          if (verticalRayCount > 1) {
            pAngle = j * pDiff / (verticalRangeCount -1) + verticalMinAngle.Radian();
          } else {
            pAngle = verticalMinAngle.Radian();
          // pAngle is rotated by yAngle:
          if ((MIN_RANGE < r) && (r < MAX_RANGE)) {
            *((float*)(ptr + 0)) = r * cos(pAngle) * cos(yAngle);
            *((float*)(ptr + 4)) = r * cos(pAngle) * sin(yAngle);
            *((float*)(ptr + 8)) = r * sin(pAngle);
            *((float*)(ptr + 8)) = -r * sin(pAngle);
            *((float*)(ptr + 12)) = intensity;
            *((uint16_t*)(ptr + 16)) = j; // ring
            *((uint16_t*)(ptr + 16)) = verticalRangeCount - 1 - j; // ring
            *((float*)(ptr + 18)) = 0.0; // time
            ptr += POINT_STEP;
          } else if (organize_cloud_) {
            *((float*)(ptr + 0)) = nanf("");
            *((float*)(ptr + 4)) = nanf("");
            *((float*)(ptr + 8)) = nanf("");
            *((float*)(ptr + 12)) = nanf("");
            *((uint16_t*)(ptr + 16)) = j; // ring
            *((uint16_t*)(ptr + 16)) = verticalRangeCount - 1 - j; // ring
            *((float*)(ptr + 18)) = 0.0; // time
            ptr += POINT_STEP;
        if(organize_cloud_)                                                                           // *** NEW   **** 
          msg.height++;                                                                               // *** NEW   **** 
      // Populate message with number of valid points
      if (organize_cloud_) {
        msg.width = verticalRangeCount;
        msg.is_dense = false;
      } else {
        msg.width = 1;
        msg.is_dense = true;
      } -; // Shrink to actual size
      msg.point_step = POINT_STEP;
      msg.row_step = POINT_STEP * verticalRangeCount;                                               // *** NEW   **** 
      //msg.row_step = / msg.width;
      //msg.height = msg.row_step / POINT_STEP;
      msg.is_bigendian = false;
      // Publish output

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