[Galactic] Velodyne Gazebo Plugins is missing some data on Rviz2?

Issue #31 new
franklin selva created an issue


I am currently stuck in a specific scenario where I am trying to understand the data coming out from velodyne_gazebo_plugins. The plugin is currently able to produce the data points in Gazebo and can be visualized without any problem. But when I am trying to visualize the same in Rviz2, the visualization data did not match. I am attaching the respective screenshots and the corresponding plugin configuration below.

Gazebo Screenshot

Rviz2 Screenshot

Rviz2 Config for topic visulaization

Topic: /velodyne_points
Depth: 5
History Policy: Keep Last
Reliability: Best Effort
Durability: Volatile
Filter Size: 10

Respective URDF config

  <!-- Gazebo requires the velodyne_gazebo_plugins package -->
  <gazebo reference="velodyne">
    <sensor type="ray" name="Velodyne-VLP16">
      <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
      <!-- <plugin name="gazebo_ros_laser_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_velodyne_gpu_laser.so"> -->
      <plugin name="velodyne_plugin" filename="libgazebo_ros_velodyne_laser.so">

I would like to understand why gazebo and rviz produce different visualizations. It would be helpful if there is an easier solution to solve this issue.

Please share your insights on this.

Thank you.

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