Game hangs - Shiram Monks battles

Issue #68 resolved
Former user created an issue

Some Shiram Monks are extremely bugged. It may be all the ones with the "Revenge" skill. I am not certain. When you fight them, the turn does not end properly and the game hangs. The end turn button sometimes stays black. When I reload from the main menu, and hit end turn again, then it skips the enemy turn and I get my turn again. While this is happening, triggered abilities also don't work. So basically I just have to keep quitting to the menu and then go back into the fight. This skips all enemy turns.

I quit out of the game right after 2 rounds of the battle. It hangs on the first round, I quit to menu, reloaded and had it go to the second round, it hung again, and then i quit out and posted the output log

version .11.009

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