Add Read/Write Access to a mod's description

Issue #11 resolved
ogerboss created an issue

At present, you have only access to the mod's name and the author field. Adding access to the description field would be awesome because it would allow to set the proper Bash-Tags for the patcher, in case a user decided to do the bashed patch at the very end.

Furthermore, having read-access to mod descriptions also opens up a new possibility for major projects like Requiem, which naturally need many compatibility patches to work flawlessly with more sophisticated mods. This would allow compatibility-patch makers to easily encode Requiem-specific metadata on a plugin-wide level.

Comments (5)

  1. ogerboss reporter

    I just tested the setDescription() command and it's value is written into the author-field, not the description field.

    getAuthor() and getDescription() work fine and query the correct fields. Thanks for the rapid deployment!

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