Improve the "Missing Masters" error message.

Issue #15 new
ogerboss created an issue

At the moment, the missing master warning does not distinguish whether a required dependency is not in the Active Plugins list at all or loaded after the dependent plugin. As a consequence I often get support requests like "This patcher requires X in your load order. But I have X!" which then turns out to be a sorting issue.

It would be good if the message would be rewritten such that it clearly indicates that this can also be a sorting issue. Of course it would be even better if the active plugins are checked for the missing master(s) to determine if they are missing or in the wrong order.

Comments (3)

  1. Qotsafan

    Yo ogerboss,

    I am working with Dienes on this issue, any thoughts on errors messages?

    currently it looks like this:

    "plugin.esp has some missing masters:

    (if active) - master.esm / esp is active, but is below this mod in your load order.

    (if inactive) - master.esm / esp is inactive.

    (if not installed) - master.esm / esp is not installed.

    Please resolve and try again."

    Regards qotsafan

  2. ogerboss reporter

    Does this suggestion mean that you already check which of the three cases applies for each dependency?

    If so, I would start with a list of all missing masters, followed by the error each master has. Then I would add another paragraph, where the error types are explained.


    Foo.esp has missing masters:
    * Bar.esm - loaded afterwards
    * Epic.esp - not installed
    To resolve these issues, please proceed as follows:
    * loaded afterwards - adjust your load order to load the required mods before this plugin
    * inactive - activate the plugin in your mod management tool
    * not installed - install and activate the missing dependencies

    You have to keep in mind that many users use SkyProc only because fantastic mods like PerMa, SkyRe and Requiem force them to so. If you have a look at the installation support requests I see every day, you will quickly realize that "please resolve and try again" will not suffice for some users. :)

  3. Qotsafan

    Yes, all active (loaded afterwards) / inactive and not installed plugins will be listed for the mod, where the exception was thrown.

    The last sentence "Please resolve and try again." is SUM related, so I can't change it much, but I will add a description for what to do for each case.

    P.s. the "loaded afterwards" is a good idea, it will make it shorter.

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