Store last overwrite for each imported record

Issue #19 resolved
ogerboss created an issue

Would it be possible to add a variable to all imported records that indicates the last mod that changed this particular record?

Such a feature would allow me to easily identify conflicting records from mods which users only want to use as visual overwrites, while keeping the stats from Requiem.

If this feature has to be implemented for each record type individually, actors have the highest priority for me, followed by weapons and armor.

Comments (2)

  1. Daria Tynan repo owner

    This is already stored but I added MajorRecord.getModImportedFrom() that will return the plugin that it was loaded from. Also you can do ArrayList<Mod> importedMods = SPDatabase.getImportedMods(); importedMods.get(n).getMajor(...) to get a record version from any of the imported mods. Each Mod stores the records in it and its only the merger that has the conflict winners.

  2. Daria Tynan repo owner

    Added MajorRecord.getRecordHistory() that returns an ArrayList<MajorRecord> in the order that the mods containing it were imported in my dev repo. Will be in

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