OpenCombatBoundary Flag for EncounterZones is set incorrectly

Issue #32 new
ogerboss created an issue

It seems that the OpenCombatBoundary flag for EncounterZone objects is set incorrectly. When I set this flag to true, it has no noticeable ingame effect. Furthermore, Tes5Edit shows a <Unknown: 4> as flag, while it also has a proper version of this flag in the list.

Comments (5)

  1. Daria Tynan repo owner

    Ugh a bunch of the flag enums were set to to have their value as the what hex digit of the flag it should be but but the LFlags object takes an index of what digit to change as though it were an array of bools. So enum values of 1, 2, 4, 8 instead of 0, 1, 2, 3 so the wrong bit gets set. I changed a bunch of them when I first realized this but a few have slipped though. Try changing NeverResets(0), MatchPCBelowMin(1), DisableCombatBoundary(2) and see if that works. Or maybe LFlags indexes from 1, so NeverResets(1), MatchPCBelowMin(2), DisableCombatBoundary(3) its been a while since I really looked at it.

  2. ogerboss reporter

    All I would need to change is the enum ECZNFlags in the ECZN class, correct? Or is there some other place I also need to adjust?

  3. ogerboss reporter

    0,1,2 are the correct indexes, my tester was now followed by a necromancer into the next cave. :)

    Do you want to fix this tiny issue yourself or shall I create a pull-request for it?

  4. ogerboss reporter

    I just figured out that qotsafan already has a pull request filed for this issue, but it is filed against your dev-version, not the main library.

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